When the doctor told me that I have to maintain a lifetime medication for my Grave’s disease (hyperthyroidism) it’s like hopelessness invaded me and felt a little fear. I cannot imagine taking it all over my life. I was diagnosed of having hyperthyroidism or over production of thyroid gland which is responsible in body metabolism and other functions, five years ago. Being in the health profession I had already in mind having such disorder upon manifesting many symptoms of the disease made me went up the doctor and proved me right. I faced it with all courage and hope. I am so thankful for my family for their support during those times when I was depressed and down.
There were always a time I forgot to take my meds especially now that I have a baby but my husband took the responsibility to remind me every night, offer me water and the meds (Prophylthiouracil) on hand, made me understand that marrying him was a great blessing to me. It is God’s one purpose. He gave me a husband who is so caring and thoughtful. He has a strong faith that one day I will be fined and diverted my mind that having this disorder is not fatal as what I’ve think.