I subscribed to one Christian website and I used to receive their monthly paper issue for free, it is good to learn more about life and knowing more about God
A long journey
We will have a very long travel tomorrow. We will be attending my husband’s youngest sister’s wedding. I just hope that we will have a very safe trip going there
house garage
We just have a very small garage in our house it will only fit to the kind of car that we have, no allowance space, we give extra care when
blockless way
I pay much attention with our kitchen particularly kitchen sinks, every time I wash our dishes I’ll make sure to clean it up so nothing can block and water can
Time goes very fast
Truly time goes very fast, our youngest brother who’s our baby and still very small before now the tallest among us and in college already and guess what he’s already
Stay young and beauty
I was asked by our professor in college before, what would be my greatest fear? I said I have a great fear in getting old…hah…we will all go to that
Flowers for you
Flower adds beauty and how good to see a house with many flowers, isn’t it? Flowers also are lover best friend. We girls, really want to receive fresh flowers, right?
click of a clock
This afternoon while we are playing badminton in our front yard, one bad news came telling us that my brother’s best friend has died in a very young age due
Scanner software
We are really thankful to our sister, who provided us a set of computer, she also sent us a multipurpose machine it has a scanner, printer and photocopiers in it.
Diamond gift
Our wedding anniversary is approaching, our 2nd year anniversary and I really want to give my hubby a gift that is very special and elegant but I still need to