Did you watch the olympics Sunday? I had for a short time and most of it was on the women’s marathon, unfortunately, I was not able to watch Constantina Tomescu-Dita
Fat hen or henbane? These are both plants; fat hen is perfectly edible, “You can use the leaves in salads like spinach, make tea and eat the roots,” said Mr
Jimson weed
Jimson Weed is the toxic weed that caused the illness (nauseous and dizzy, and in some cases suffered hallucinations) of six people after it has been cooked into an Indian
Camote tops salad
One of the crops I planted was sweet potato. Our garden will just be for our own consumption and there are just two of us so it is not that
WW: Digging turtle
I was going up the hill from my garden when I noticed the land turtle. I was momentarily shocked for it was unexpected. It is the second turtle I saw
Brushing teeth for healthy heart
It is not just for good hygeine and pleasing personality, but brushing teeth and keeping the gums healthy helps the heart. Patients with bad gums, and other bacteria associated with
Sidestep poison ivy
Within 10 minutes of contact, rinse any exposed skin thoroughly with..
How to make red lipstick last longer
Bold lipstick tend to wear off quickly in the middle of our mouth, and leaving us with a dark ring around our pout. This effect can be prevented according to
Donating hair for women in treatment
provides women in treatment with wigs that are made of real hair..