Cleaning Clean all the ingredients before using them, then drain and dry them thoroughly. Cutting All ingredients must be cut into the same size and shape so that the cooked
Stir-frying method/tips
One time a special friend comes over to our house and when we prepared a meal for us in church, he asked about the method the food was cooked. He
Precooking method/tips
Before stir-frying, meats are precooked briefly in hot oil or boiling water, until slightly tender, then removed. (Pork, beef, chicken, fish or shrimp are usually sliced or shredded, seasoned, and
Chicken a la king
There are many recipes available about making chicken a la king. All of them are good. But here is one simple but delicious variation you can try. Ingredients: 1 can
A friend’s garden
This is one of my friend’s very healthy backyard garden. It is such her joy and pride and the food we cooked that day straight from her garden was just
The first garden
The very first garden, that of Eden, was the real paradise in abundance and perfection, and I was wishing mine will be blessed with healthy plants. In this part of
Seed supply
Somebody awaken me from my nap. When I opened the door, this is what awaited me: Seeds worth more than a year’s supply for our garden. According to the National
Another way to cook cucumbers
I usually eat cucumbers fresh, peeled and dipped with some vinegar and soy sauce, mouth watering, yummy, but you could actually cook it too. Just like with eggplants, you can
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