This morning our neighbors husband came to me asking for help, his wife is having persistent vomiting for four days now and now very weak and no appetite to eat, and he’s so worried with his wife condition because of that he asked me to insert Intravenous fluid as supplement to her wife’s body, at first I am very hesitant to do it because we are not allowed to insert IVF outside the health promises but still he convinced me, though I am a registered Intravenous therapist still in my mind not to do it because I will be the one to answer if the patient’s condition worsen. So I called my friend, who is a doctor to clarify if it is ok to do it and also if he can order, and he said refer her to the nearest hospital and let the hospital take care of her, and yes I refused to do it though in my heart want to help but I explain to him why I am not allowed to do so, I am taking care of my license as a registered nurse and registered Intravenous therapist and don’t want to regret in the end just because of the small action I make like inserting intravenous fluid to our sick neighbor.