He is still in control Leave a comment

I remember a friend of mine and a pastor for how many years, that time we were talking about the ministries of God. He said which I also believed that involving the ministry of the kingdom of God is the greatest and fulfilling tasks on earth. Many trials and temptation we may encounter but a lot of joys are there. I asked Him about a condition of being pride, sometimes ourselves and could be our organization or our  family itself, he said anything that make us or put us that makes us proud or being in a state of being pride he said, God will take it, if we trust someone out from the presence and power of God, or if we believe that we can still do anything because we don’t like someone else and we believed that we can because we thought someone is there aside from God that we thought it can sustain of what we are doing in the ministry, if these are rooted from being a pride, surely God will take it! because He wanted us to stay humble before His presence. Sometimes he said we have to swallow our pride just to pursue or make our ministry come true. Well I said, might be, but surely, and he smile. One thing I realized about serving God is to stay humble and allow Him to work over our lives, remember we are not the owner of these ministries, still it is God the author and the finisher of all.

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