Plants and funny side of life Leave a comment

plants and lifeI have not read so many books whose authors have a very good sense of humor, in fact, I don’t remember reading any yet. But the other day, as I plunged into the first pages of an herbal book, yes about herbs, I kept laughing, not in mockery to the author talking about the serious matter of plants but by his funny wits. He said that when we pick some plants/herbs, the first thing we should do is to be grateful for the harvest and for the herb’s life (which is, for me, right). Do you do that? You may want to consider to leave an offering, like a strand of your hair, a prayer, a song, a story, whatever, for plant spirits are known to be deeply touched by simple gestures of appreciation.

It hits close to home to me. When we were growing up grazing around my grandfather’s acreage, we discovered that if you harvest fruits or plants that are not yet due especially the first fruits, it will stop it from bearing any other for that season, this id true to slow growing plants. Maybe we were just so impatient little girls then. But you see, it is this kind of “plant spirits” the author is talking about. What made me laugh was that it also reminded me that in those wild days we would store our recently cut hair in a dead banana’s stalk so that our hair will grow healthy and shiny. Of course that seemed far-fetched but we indeed had grown very good hair that one schoolboy kept following me at school until I got it cut again. Allow me! He was just after my hair! Anyway, Reading the book reminded me of that funny side of life back then when we were young.

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