Release of stress hormones Leave a comment

Do know that worrying releases stress hormones that initially rev you up but then drain you? Worrying can also prevent you from getting the sleep you need to recharge. “People who are highly anxious tend to feel tired a lot of the time.” Try to prevent the stress hormones to be released. You have the right to be happy and away from all the worries.

The moment you start to worry, do the following breathing exercise. It works in about a minute, and you can do it anywhere- in traffic, in a meeting, or in bed in the middle of the night. Close your eyes (if possible), and slowly count backward from 10 to 0, inhaling through your nose and exhaling through your mouth once for each number. Focusing on your breathing distracts you from worries and lowers your heart rate and blood pressure, reducing stress. To prevent excessive worrying, identify the situations that bother you, like traffic, and do your breathing exercise ahead of time. Also do relaxation exercises, like meditation or yoga, daily. In a week or two, they will help you reduce anxiety and insomnia.

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